Jackie Evancho: My truth of 2020 - www.jackie-evancho.dk

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My truth of 2020
30 march 2020 - Copy of message from Jackie's Facebook page

We can all agree that this new year has not been off to the best start. With tragedy on top of tragedy, its hard to find the good in the world. Now with the virus, the world is in a state of panic and pessimism. My goal so far has been to try to find a silver lining in all of this. Other than maybe the water clearing and pollution lowering all around the world, I’ve found another silver lining that may or may not be individual to me and my family.

Some background is needed for this to make sense. Starting at the end of 2019, my parents decided to separate and are now divorcing. They are still great friends and are committed to their children. They’ve continued down the path of divorce and now they both have other significant others in their lives. I love both of my parent’s partners, and as their child, I wish for them both to be happy no matter what. What’s even more amazing is that my mom’s partner is a transgender female, and my dad’s partner has a daughter who I already see as another sister. Admittedly, it was hard at first for all of us. We viewed their separation as the falling apart of a family. They were my ideal idea of love, and I felt that disappeared before my eyes. Through deep thought and consideration, though, I learned that their love is still there and even stronger without the strain of marriage over their shoulders. They are even happier when communicating now.

One thing I’m learning is that a family is family regardless of whether Mom and Dad are together. Now, with the COVID-19 global pandemic shutting down the world, my family’s been faced with some important decisions that I imagine many families are now facing. My mom and dad discussed the situation, and while they each have new partners, they decided to bring everyone together at our family home and ride this out as one large “family.” Our house has become a home again and is full of these wonderful people. The silver lining I have found in this is that through all the pain and sadness the world is undergoing, our little family has grown and with it has come so much love. Not only that, but my mother has taken in a young transgender man and given him safe harbor from an unaccepting family as a part of her Brave Heart United nonprofit. So this house of mine is now full from top to bottom of diversity and love, and it’s working! We have all come together to fight this, working together to find comfort in so much discomfort. I’ve learned that love is such a strong glue for our family and it helps us function so much better. There may be fights and screaming or crying, but it all lays on top of a strong cement of love and loyalty. This pandemic may be horrific and scary, but through it we find ourselves latching onto things that won’t disappear and family is the largest thing I’ve found myself clinging to. Blood related or not, we are all a family in this house that most would see as broken. Where the crack in our family once was has been filled with new and wonderful people and the family has come out stronger and happier for it.

(Evancho family march 2020)

So if you feel hopeless in this crazy world were currently living in, just look to the family you are contained with and smile. Be grateful that they are with you and fighting this by your side. Related or not, love is what makes us connected.

Read the original post at Jackie's Facebook page

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