Jackie Evancho Makes Appearance on Disney's "Wizards" TV Show - www.jackie-evancho.dk

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Jackie makes appearance on Disney's Wizards
28 february 2011 - www.patch.com by Kathleen Sauers.

Singing star Jackie Evancho must feel like one lucky kid. The 10-year-old sensation from Richland recently filmed a guest appearance on one of her favorite TV shows, “Wizards of Waverly Place” on the Disney Channel, that will air at 8 p.m. March 11.

Tomorrow she will be featured on "The Oprah Show" when Oprah gives a "Jackie update," according to Jackie's father, Mike Evancho. Jackie, who rose to stardom on “America’s Got Talent”, appeared previously on "Oprah."

As for the "Wizards of Waverly Place," Jackie plays herself and sings. She is dressed in an Americana dress that Jackie said was like a Halloween costume.

“We were approached by the show, but due to conflicts in her schedule, she couldn’t do it,” said Mike Evancho.

But after Jackie had worked so hard on “America’s Got Talent”, the Evanchos' agent went back to the show.

“We really wanted to reward her for working so hard,” her father said. Jackie, her mother, Lisa, and 12-year-old brother, Jacob, went to Los Angeles a few months ago for the taping. “They sent me my script before we went out so I could learn [the lines] here,” said Jackie. The lines for the TV show were easier for Jackie to learn, she said, than words to a new song. “They were a lot shorter and they weren’t in a different language,” she said. Many of the opera songs Jackie performs are in Italian.

Once in L.A., Jackie had a rehearsal one day, then taped the show the next. “It was easier than on a big stage in front of a lot of people because it was just a set,” she said. According to Jackie, "Wizards of Waverly Place" is about three young wizards who are in a wizard competition. “I really liked meeting the stars on the show,” she said. Jackie’s brother also had a good time, although she said he may have been “just a bit jealous, but he thought it was cool.” This past weekend, Jackie, Lisa and Jacob headed back to L.A. for Jackie to finish recording her second CD that is slated to be released late this spring.

Does Jackie get tired of all the fame? “Well, sometimes, but I have learned to suck it up. It is mostly a lot of fun,” she said. She also remains a sweet little girl.

“I try to stay nice, but I have my moments when my brothers or my sister get on my nerves,” she said. “We try to keep her grounded. We really don’t treat her any differently than anyone else around here,” said Mike. “She has chores, she gets punished if necessary. She is just Jackie at home.”

Jackie Evancho on Wizards Of Waverly Place as Special Guest
Date: 2011

Source: Unknown

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