No, Jackie Evancho’s Album Sales Didn’t “Skyrocket” Because of Donald Trump -

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No, Jackie Evancho's album sales didn't "Skyrocket" because of Donald Trump
4 january 2017 - Vanity Fair by Laura Bradley.

Trump says his inauguration announcement is the reason that Evancho’s Christmas album sold better. . . during the month of Christmas. By now, we all know that Donald Trump likes to take credit for things, right? You know, like saving factories that were never leaving in the first place—and rescuing the economy despite the fact he’s not spent even a day in the Oval Office yet. Now the president-elect has named himself the sole benefactor of something else entirely: a young musician’s career. Teenage opera singer Jackie Evancho, who will perform at Trump‘s inauguration on January 20, saw a terrific spike in album sales in December—and if you ask Trump, she has one person to thank for it.

Hmm. So, did the “Movement” bring Evancho’s career to the next level? From even a cursory fact check, the claim seems dubious.

First, let’s start with the obvious. Before the inauguration announcement, made December 14, Evancho was relatively unknown, despite her America’s Got Talent origins—as evidenced by the huge spike in Google searches for her name following Trump’s announcement. Being that any and all things associated with Trump get a boost in interest, this isn’t surprising—but did it lead to actual sales for Evancho? That’s where things take a turn for the doubtful.

As Billboard notes, Evancho’s most recent album did see a healthy spike in sales during the month of December. The catch? That album happens to be a Christmas album.

According to Nielsen numbers cited in Bilboard, Evancho’s Someday at Christmas sold 94 percent more albums in the chart week ending December 22 than it did the week prior. That is a larger increase than the average holiday album spike, which Billboard placed at 21 percent. But there’s another catch, the publication notes: in actual numbers, the spike was a mere 5,000 copies. When the number you’re starting at is small, it doesn’t take much to make a big percent increase. Compare that with, say, the Pentatonix holiday album, which Billboard says rose from 139,000 copies sold to 185,000 the following week, the same one in which Evancho’s sales rose. The percentage is lower—but the raw number is far higher.

Evancho also appeared on the America’s Got Talent holiday special that aired December 19, which surely helped to sell a few extra albums around Christmastime. By the week following Christmas, though, her album sales had already started to decline—as is typical of Christmas albums after the red-and-green accoutrements get stowed away in preparation for the New Year.

Data tracker BuzzAngle Music found a similar trend, noting that Evancho’s total album sales rose in the December during the weeks leading up to Christmas, and declined afterward.

In short? There are plenty of factors at work behind Evancho’s rising (and falling) sales—so Trump’s announcement was a minor boost among others at best.

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