In politics and music, Jackie Evancho is pulled in two directions -

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Politics and music, Jackie is pulled in two directions
21 march 2017 - The Seattle Times by Alexa Peters.

Jackie Evancho faced a lot of criticism when she performed the national anthem at President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Some questioned how the 16-year-old singer — who has a transgender sister — could support Trump, while others applauded her decision.

“I support my president. He is my president and nothing can really be done about that,” Evancho said in a recent telephone interview. “But I don’t agree with some of the things that he is doing. But, I mean, if I had the choice to sing for him at the inauguration again, I would still do it because … it was not about politics. It was for my country.”

Evancho’s new album “Two Hearts”, which she brings to the Triple Door on March 23-24, is also about being pulled in two directions: classical and pop. “Two Hearts” begins with several operatic arias, a style Evancho has been known for since she finished second on the NBC talent show “America’s Got Talent” at age 10. The second half of the album represents Evancho’s leanings toward pop music. She performs covers of Taylor Swift’s “Safe and Sound”. Sam Smith’s “Writing’s on the Wall”, and notably, five new pop songs she penned herself.

“This album means a lot to me just because so much was put into it. I’ve been writing songs for the first time, so it has that on there, so, I’m nervous,” said Evancho, who is performing four shows in Seattle.

The singer recently made headlines again in late February when Trump rescinded federal guidelines to schools that allowed transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity.

Evancho tweeted: “I am obviously disappointed in the @POTUS decision to send the #transgender bathroom issue to the states to decide.

Days after Trump’s decision, the Evancho family temporarily won a legal fight when a judge ruled that 18-year-old Juliet and two other transgender students must be allowed to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity at a Pennsylvania high school.

“I try my best to steer clear of [politics] as possible,” Evancho said. “Of course, I had no choice in this situation because it’s affecting my family, and it’s something that I believe in. But I try my best to keep music — which is something that I love — far away from politics which is something I hate.” Evancho said that her sister has been bullied and had trash thrown at her, and that the bathroom issue has been cause for more bigotry. Via Twitter, she asked for a meeting with the president. “Maybe [Trump and I] could come to some sort of solution where it’s a federal law that could be passed to protect my sister and others like her,” Evancho said.

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