Jackie Evancho attends a premiere event for the Epic Horse Show Troy in Beijing, China - www.jackie-evancho.dk

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Jackie attends epic horse show 'Troy' in China
25 may 2017 - China Christian Daily by M. Grace.

With investments of about 300 million yuan or approximately US $45 million, the famous horse show "Troy" is set to premiere on China. The show will be held at the Beijing's National Stadium (the Bird's Nest) on Friday, August 4.

After three years of preparation, "Troy" features 72 world famous horses. It inserts animal performances into the story of the famous Greek mythology titled "The Trojan War."

"We use horses to tell the mythology. That means they are our actors," director Liu Xiao told a local Chinese media outlet. "The story features different epic characters including the Unicorn, Pegasus, the ancient Greek beauty Helen (the most beautiful woman of Greece and the indirect cause of the Trojan War) and the heroic figure Achilles," Liu added. "Therefore, it's not only a performance of horses, nor a performance of humans, but a combination of both," he further added.

In addition to the said highlights, the performance will include eight Imax projectors which will be used to enhance the effects of the performance.

According to the report, Shire horse will be included on the performances. The species will include world's largest horse in size, which can dance to different rhythms and small miniature horses which will participate in several performances.

Actors of the horse show are reported to came from 12 different countries and have passed the auditions which spanned for six months. The costumes were designed by the Italian fashion designer Simona Morresi, which are also base from ancient clothing of Greek people.

American singer Jackie Evancho previously came to China and act as US ambassador to troy Horse Show Beijing. And at the 'Troy' press conference Jackie Evancho sang 'Set Me Free'.

Jackie singing 'Set Me Free' at the Troy Horse Show, Beijing, China

Date: 25 may 2017

Source: Xiao Qiao Liu Youtube

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