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Song info : Songwriter: Joni Mitchell
Info: Joni Michell wrote this song about a New York sidewalk musician
Time: 4:10
Release date: 9 september summer 2022
Found on CD: Carousel of Time
Produced by: Fred Mollin

Jackie said about Joni Mitchell : Stepping into the world of Joni Mitchell was inspiring and a pleasure to say the least. I had a lot of fun learning more about Joni Mitchell through her music, as well as finding ways to make it my own.
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Lyrics :
I slept last night in a good hotel
I went shopping today for jewels
The wind rushed around in the dirty town
And the children let out from the schools

I was standing on a noisy corner
Waiting for the walking green
Across the street he stood and he played real good
On his clarinet, for free

Now me, I play for fortunes
And those velvet curtain calls
I got a black limousine and two gentlemen
Escorting me to the halls

And I play if you have the money
Or if you're a friend to me
But the one man band by the quick lunch stand
He was playing real good, for free

Nobody stopped to hear him
Though he played so sweet and high
They knew he had never been on their TV
So they passed his music by

I meant to go over and ask for a song
Maybe put on a harmony
I heard his refrain as the signal changed
He was playing real good, for free

The front cover for Jackie's album 'Carousel of Time'

The back cover for Jackie's album 'Carousel of Time'

Date: 9 september 2022

Source: Jackie Evancho YouTube

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