The Evancho Family -

This website is not affiliated with, associated with, authorized by or in any other way officially connected with Jackie Evancho.
This is an unofficial Jackie Evancho fan website.


The Evancho Family:

Jackie's parents are Michael and Lisa. Michael Evancho married Lisa in October of 1997, and have four children, Juliet born in May of 1998, Jackie born in April of 2000, Zachary born in April 2002, and Rachel born September 2003, the family grew up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Michael Evancho :
Born: 10 october 1969.
Lisa Evancho :
Born: 28 may 1966.

Juliet Evancho (Born Jacob) :
Born: 27 May 1998.
Zachary Evancho :
Born: 18 April 2002.
Rachel Evancho :
Born: 8 september 2003.

In 2019, Jackie's parents decided to divorce

In the end of 2019, Jackie's parents decided to separate and are now divorcing. They are still great friends and are committed to their children. They've continued down the path of divorce and now they both have other significant others in their lives.

Jackie has made at comment about the divorce to
'I love both of my parent's partners, and as their child, I wish for them both to be happy no matter what.
What's even more amazing is that my mom's partner is a transgender female, and my dad's partner has a daughter who I already see as another sister. Admittedly, it was hard at first for all of us. We viewed their separation as the falling apart of a family. They were my ideal idea of love, and I felt that disappeared before my eyes. Through deep thought and consideration, though, I learned that their love is still there and even stronger without the strain of marriage over their shoulders.
They are even happier when communicating now. Now, with the COVID-19 global pandemic shutting down the world, my family's been faced with some important decisions that I imagine many families are now facing. My mom and dad discussed the situation, and while they each have new partners, they decided to bring everyone together at our family home and ride this out as one large family.

Jackie posted this message on her Facebook page about this.

Rachel Evancho
Jackie's sister Rachel has a great voice and can sing as wel.
Rachel recorded this in 2018.
Just listen to Rachel sing 'White Christmas':

'Growing Up Evancho' reality TLC TV special

The Evanchos are a typical American family with some seriously not-so-typical circumstances!

Parents Lisa and Mike raise their four kids, Juliet, Jackie, Zachary and Rachel, in Pittsburgh. At only 10-years-old, however, daughter Jackie entered the limelight after an attention-grabbing debut on America's Got Talent. She soon went on to become the youngest solo platinum artist in history!

Home life isn't any less hectic, with Jackie's older sister, Juliet, navigating her dream of becoming a model as a transgendered woman. As Juliet grows as an LGBTQ activist and Jackie's pop stardom rises, this family faces some major drama you won't want to miss!

And earlier this year, Jackie weathered backlash when she agreed to perform the national anthem at President Donald Trump's January inaugural. 'You can't not stand up for what you believe in because you're afraid that you're not gonna sell another album', mom Lisa says of the Trump backlash in the TLC teaser.

Watch the program 'Growing Up Evancho' reality TLC TV special:
Date: 9 august 2017

Source: TLC TV special

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